
Burned artifact (utility pole) in the area of Camp 15 along the old railroad bed of the East Branch & Lincoln Railroad in the Pemigewasset Wilderness in Lincoln, New Hampshire. The EB&L Railroad was a logging railroad in operation from 1893 - 1948. In 2011, this utility pole was knocked down by campers and then burned in their campfire. It was one of only a handful of utility poles still standing along this railroad.
Title: East Branch & Lincoln Railroad - Burned Utility Pole

Description: Burned artifact (utility pole) in the area of Camp 15 along the old railroad bed of the East Branch & Lincoln Railroad in the Pemigewasset Wilderness in Lincoln, New Hampshire. The EB&L Railroad was a logging railroad in operation from 1893 - 1948. In 2011, this utility pole was knocked down by campers and then burned in their campfire. It was one of only a handful of utility poles still standing along this railroad.

Location: Lincoln, New Hampshire, United States

Copyright: ©2011 ScenicNH Photography LLC | Erin Paul Donovan
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