
Artifact (stamped on this stove is Smith & Anthony Stove Co. Boston, MASS 1889) along the abandoned Boston and Maine Railroad’s Mt Washington Branch extension (between Fabyans and the base of the Cog) in the White Mountains, New Hampshire. The Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad completed the roughly six and a half mile long extension from Fabyans to the base of the Cog Railway in 1876.
Title: Boston & Maine Railroad - White Mountains, New Hampshire

Description: Artifact (stamped on this stove is Smith & Anthony Stove Co. Boston, MASS 1889) along the abandoned Boston and Maine Railroad’s Mt Washington Branch extension (between Fabyans and the base of the Cog) in the White Mountains, New Hampshire. The Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad completed the roughly six and a half mile long extension from Fabyans to the base of the Cog Railway in 1876.

Location: White Mountains, New Hampshire, United States

Copyright: ©2012 ScenicNH Photography LLC / Erin Paul Donovan
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